I have recently decided to get really crazy with my meal planning. I am going to plan things out ONE MONTH in advance. Yep. You heard me right. One month. I've made a nifty little calendar and will write all my plans on yon little calendar and thus prevent my weekly stress fest over what to cook the following week.
Michael and I sat down and brainstormed all the food items I make that are healthy and we both like. We came up with 20 items. So we figure if I whip out my cookbooks and pick one new recipe to try each week and mix an unhealthy favorite once or twice a month we just might have enough to fill a month with no repeats. Wish me luck.
What else? What else? Oh! Sarah has finally started crawling. She will be 10 months old on Monday. Guess she just wanted to take her own sweet time. But just like all good things, it was worth the wait. She is just so stinkin' cute crawling around on all fours. Good thing the house is baby proofed! Oh, and Sarah got to eat her first Ritz cracker today. That was fun. She is really growing up!
There is no better way to end a rambly post than with some cute pictures. Here are a couple of Sarah. I plopped her down in front of the TV for a few minutes while I prepared her dinner. She was tired at the time so she decided to watch while lying down. The kid didn't move a muscle for almost 10 minutes. Once I took the picture, the flash caught her attention enough that she was willing to glance my way before returning her gaze to the afore mentioned drug with a plug. Enjoy!
WOW! That second picture really made me think of Claire. And, RATS!!! I can't believe I missed the Ritz moment! (sigh)
so funny! She looks very relaxed =)
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