Monday, October 26, 2009

Be Impressed, Be VERY Impressed

Sigh. I am e.x.h.a.u.s.t.e.d. Michael headed to Alaska Sunday morning for a week long business trip so I have been juggling the girls on my own. I wonder if there is any reason that a stay-at-home-mom would need to travel on business. Hmmmmm . . . . . sure would be nice.

So here at the end of another exhausting (yet fulfilling) day, I will ramble for a bit on a train of thought I had earlier.

Is it truly possible to be a GREAT housekeeper at the same time that you are a GREAT mommy? I am having trouble being both at the same time. I often find that one or the other is lacking. Which means that I never get to fully enjoy the one that is excelling.

Let me see if I can explain a little more clearly.

There are days when I feel like a GREAT mommy. I have engaged my kids in active play for almost the entire day. The TV played a very minimal role and we laughed, played outside, read books and just plain enjoyed each other's company. Sounds like a great day, right? Right. Until I look around at my house and see the chaos that was created by all that fun. Oh my. We're not just talking about a few toys strewn about. Oh no. We're talking dirty dishes filling the sink and spilling over onto the counter tops. A table that is caked with spilled cottage cheese and juice. Floors that are too filthy for any 9-month-old to roll upon and stacks upon stacks of unfolded laundry. I cannot rest in a house that looks like this so instead of enjoying the time I had with my babies, I instead have an overwhelming sense of guilt as I see the end of the day coming. I feel like I need to apologize and explain to the world that I really DID accomplish something with my day even though you can't tell it by the house.

Then come the GREAT housekeeper days. The laundry is folded and put away. The floors have been swept AND mopped. Ahhhh. Dishes are clean, counters cleared. The place fairly sparkles. I can look around my house with great pride. That is, until I realize that the exchange for all this sparkle is two babies who have been glued to the TV for a majority of the day. Ouch. Punch-in-the-gut.

Now I realize fully that the correct choice is to have a great mommy day. The kids are more important than a clean house. I agree completely. But it doesn't keep me from feeling guilty and stressed when the house is a mess. I know I will only have the kids at this particular age for a very short time and I need to take full advantage of it. I have my entire life to live in a clean house. I get it. I really do. But I can't help wishing I could have it both ways.

Sometimes I get so frustrated that I want to scream out my favorite four letter word. You know the one right? The one four letter word that makes you feel completely better and solves this entire dilemma:

M.A.I.D. There, I said it. Rant complete. And now, I am off to fold laundry before crashing for the evening.

Ta, ta.


The Lyons Family said...

OH my goodness gracious! YES!!! Finally, someone out there feels my same frustration! :) Why do we constantly feel like we have to do it all? Not just entertain the babes and clean the house, but also go to Bible study, volunteer, cook Martha-flipping-Stewart meals, AND do it with makeup on, hair done, and cute little outfit w/ heels donned? If you ever decide to spring for the M.A.I.D. (gasp!) let me know - I'll be right behind you!

Misty said...

Guilt is not from the Lord!! :) I used to struggle with this, somehow, I've soft in my old age and don't care anymore. You know for certain I don't do it all in high heels and makeup....those shoes hurt my feel ;) haha

Mindy said...

Have you been looking in my windows?! I could have written this post. You aren't alone. I don't have any other words of encouragement other than to let go and let God. We can't get it all done in our strength. Maybe this is how He reminds us?

Love ya girl!

Pigs said...

I think we should plan a business trip somewhere. Without children, of course. Regarding the maid situation, I know you worry about your kids watching TV, but be glad that you have that option. The only time I can clean is during rest time, when I should be, well, resting. I try to divide up my household chores other than the day to day stuff and do 1-2 things each day. What if your kids just watched 30 minutes of TV a day and you got something done during that time? Just a thought. I let Tyler help me fold laundry and unload the dishwasher now. He likes to help with chores and it keeps him out of trouble. Now, what to do with Parker? Hmmmm. Good luck!

momimi said...

Another 4-letter word remedy for this delimma is MIMI. Wish I could be there to help out more...can't wait for the next time. In the meantime, I hope it helps to know that your MOM is PROUD of you!!!