Saturday, November 29, 2008

What's With The Mourning?

Random Stranger: Ooooh I see you're expecting baby #2!! How fun!

Aims: (smile politely) Yes, we are. Very exciting.

Random Stranger: So is this a boy or a girl?

Aims: (still smiling) We're having another girl.

Random Stranger: Awwwww. Oh well, maybe the next one will be a boy, huh?

Seriously people. I have had this conversation with COUNTLESS strangers. What is the deal here? We are thrilled to be having two girls. I am so thankful that Claire is going to get to grow up with a sister--something I never had. I have always wanted two of the same gender. If Claire had been a boy, I would have probably wanted another boy.

What is with the mourning over the lack of a male offspring? Where are we, China? Do moms of two boys get this same pseudo-sympathy for not having a girl? We are done and we are happy. There is no need to try for a boy. If the Lord decides to bless us with a surprise down the line, then that is His choosing, but we feel complete with our two girls.

It is so weird to me that people assume you are going to be sad if you don't get a boy, or at least one of each. Weird, weird, weird.


Unknown said...

so annoying isn't it??!! I get it in the I trying for a girl? As if I tried the first two times for boys? The worst is the way some people look at me as if I'm incomplete because I don't have a daughter -- I'm sure you get it the same way.

Pigs said...

I get the exact opposite conversation. And, hello? No need to buy more clothes? Score!