Friday, August 8, 2008


So I am really tired of all the stoic poses Claire offers the camera now-a-days.

She truly is a happy child and smiles or laughs almost all day long. The problem is that she is also a very inquisitive child. Anytime the camera comes out, she wants to examine it and figure out why Mommy holds this weird thing up to her face while making strange cooing noises.

Frankly, when I put it that way, I can't blame her.

So she puts on her "engineer face" (we have Daddy to thank for that) where she is focused on solving the perplexing problems of "What is that thing and how does it work?"

So today I tried teaching her what "smile" means. She was doing her best to mimic my examples and it was quite funny. Her natural smiles are much cuter, but the attempts are definitely worth posting. Enjoy!

And my favorite . . . . .

Awwww sweat pea, we love you!


Anonymous said...

OH MY GOODNESS!!! Look at all those teeth! What a CUTIE!!!! (Even the "engineer" face!)

Pigs said...

I've been having the same problem with Piglet. It's like he purposely turns it off when the camera comes out. Claire is already better at it than he is. It reminds me of the kindergarten section of a yearbook where all the kids think smile means "show your teeth".

David Cox said...

what a cute little girl. we are looking forward to seeing you guys soon...

The Lyons Family said...

What a hoot! Oh...I miss my "Claire Bear" girl!!! Please hug her tight for me - and give each other hugs, too! We miss y'all so much.

Tammy said...

I can't believe how big she is and how much she has changed! So beautiful... and congrats on your up and coming princess!
