You know your produce is fresh when you find a bee and 2 flies amongst the leaves of lettuce as you rinse.
Now I pose you this question . . . do you go ahead and eat it? I mean it's not like flies and bees didn't land on the lettuce every single day it was growing out in the field.
3 Coral Gables Guns For Sale
3 years ago
I would probably eat it and then force myself to get sick. You know...sick enough to bow down to the porcelain god for about three days. Sick enough to be stuck in bed for about a week and only be able to eat things through a straw. Then I would write a letter to the company and demand a full refund. Ha ha...joke's on them!!!
That would be a great strategy, David, if you ever ate green things. I am pretty sure that fact would come out in court. Oh, right, you eat olives and they are green!
One of my friends found a snail in her "triple-washed" salad. Her five year old made it a pet and named it Snail-ee. Snail-ee has now been in captivity for about 10 months now.
Me? I'd eat it.
Snail-ee. Nice. You never know where your next pet might come from.
Yeah, we ate the lettuce. It's one of the few times I would actually see a bug in my food and not care too much.
I am just glad I was doing the lettuce washing that evening. Michael usually just tears it up quickly and then runs a little water over it afterwards. We would have had some extra protien with those meals. Blech.
Could've been a roach?
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