Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Here are the pictures I promised my family I'd upload. It is a rare thing to get snow in our area. Rest assured, it is supposed to be in the 70s today and I will indeed be wearing my flip-flops!

Hugs for the sad little snowman.

We were completely ill prepared for snow play. Those gloves are mine and VERY large on Claire.

She was THRILLED that snow could be formed into her favorite toy, a ball. Here she is throwing one at the fence.

And now throwing one at Mommy.

Hmmmm . . . . think she's cold? Look at those poor red hands!

Pretty excited.

Sarah just wants to go back inside so she can crawl some more.


skier918 said...

So fun!!! We got a little bit here in Lafayette too!

momimi said...

How CUTE!!!...and COLD. I'm with Sarah. I like to look at the snow through the windows, while I sit in front of a roaring fire. Now THAT'S the way to enjoy the snow!

Noelle said...

Why wait until 70 degree weather?? We have over a foot of snow here and people are still breaking out the flip-flops.