Tuesday, June 2, 2009

"Hear Mama Doo Doo??"

Now if that title doesn't get your attention, nothing will. I'll explain. A-hem . . .

We have several songs saved on my i-pod that Claire truly enjoys. One of them is the Mah Nah Mah Nah song from the Muppets. You have to hear it to understand why her name for the song is "Mama Doo Doo".

We have had many-a-laugh each time we are in the car and she says, "Hear Mama Doo Doo??" We, of course know exactly what she is talking about.

Now imagine me today at the grocery store check out line. I am just about to pay when Claire makes her request rather loudly.

Claire: "Hear Mama Doo Doo?"

Clerk shoots me a weird look.

Me: (speaking loudly enough to be heard by all) "I know you like that SONG honey. We'll play it when we get in the car, okay?"

Claire: (much more loudly) "NO! Mama Doo Doo! Mama Doo Doo! Mama Doo Doo, NOOOOOOOWWWWW!"

Clerk now stifling a giggle as my face beams bright red.

Me: (to the clerk) I promise it's a song.

Now I am not sure what is more disturbing to the clerk, the idea that Claire might not actually be talking about a song, or the fact that I might actually have made up a song about Mommy going potty. Neither are true, but in a grocery store line, who has time for lengthy explanations?

I think I'll carry my i-pod in with me next time so I'll have the proof on hand.


Mindy said...

My kids and I have been singing that song for years!! It is one of our favorites. It always makes them smile. That is such a cute story. Oh, the things kids will say. I heard a funny quote once, "We spend the first year of their life teaching them to walk and talk and then the next 18 wishing they would sit down and shut up ; )" Sadly, sometimes true : )

Misty said...

Ha, well not what I thought you were talking about...

When Cara was first potty trained, EVERY time I went potty in a public restroom, she'd proclaim, "Yea Mommy, you went Poo Poo!!" Which, if you know me, is not an option. So, I would loudly say, "No baby, Mommy just went pee pee", or as she got older "JUST SHHHHH!!" :)

momimi said...

Poor Aimee...you went from blushing over your Mom's outdated public catch-phrases (with oh-so-new meanings) to your Daughter's public outbursts. And...neither of us is likely to improve with age! (Can't wait to hear what's on Sarah's mind!)