Sunday, October 19, 2008


Here is a question for you. Do you tip at Sonic?

I was there the other day and it reminded me of the major complex I have every time I go. I know you're dying for me to explain, so I shall.

I was a waitress while in college. I know how hard the work can be and I also know full well how low your hourly wage is thus forcing you to rely on the tips to make any decent money. Because of this, I tend to be an over-tipper at restaurants. Even when I have pizza delivered, I tend to over-do it a bit.

NOTE: I am also not afraid to under-tip when it is obvious the waiter in question is lazy and not doing his/her job. But I digress.

So Sonic. What is the deal there? I mean, they DO bring your food to you, but how much work was that really? I don't want to offer up a tip to someone who spent 30 seconds bringing me food with no other service attached. Maybe if I sat there and ate, and they came by regularly to refill my drink or get me extra napkins or something, but no. I am just going to say thank you and drive away. Not a huge time commitment for these lovely employees.

Usually, out of my guilt, I just round the dollar amount up to an even amount so they don't have to go through all the trouble of pushing change out of their handy little belt-changer-thingys. But that only creates more dilemma when the dollar amount is like say . . . $4.89. Does it really do them any good for me to say, "keep the change" from a five-dollar bill? Isn't it more insulting to receive $.11 as a tip than to receive nothing? At least with nothing you can assume ignorance on the patron's part, but $.11? Now that's just rude.

And I know that many Sonic's now have a drive-thru window. You'd think that would clear up my complex. And while it does help a little, I can't help but wonder if the hourly wage is different for those working the window and those working the . . . er. . . . street. (for lack of a better way to put it). Does the window guy get more per hour because tips aren't expected?

If my poor Sonic employee is getting paid $2.00 per hour, then I DEFINITELY want to tip. But if he/she is getting regular minimum wage and tips are just icing to them, then I see no need.

So what are your thoughts? Do you tip at Sonic? Do you know whether they get paid minimum wage or less? I really want to know.

Please put my obsessive mind at ease.


Anonymous said...

Of COURSE you tip at Sonic! It's one of the ways you can tip the scales of fate back in your favor after eating all that really good bad for you food!


Anonymous said...

FYI.. a good friend of mine worked at Sonic during high school.
They mae minimum wage... not the 2 dollars and something but the whole amount. They also do not have to claim their tips. My friend often brags about the money she amde at Sonic, so every time I go. Even if it is only $.05 I proudly say keep the change and feel absolutely no guilt!!

David Cox said...

I have the same issue EVERY time I go to Sonic (although I now just use the drive-through...and even if my bill is $4.98, I wait for my change) I found people on the web that say both things. Some say $2 something, some say min wage, some say it depends on the restaurant location and whether or not it is franchised. Anyway...just use the drive-through and pay like any other fast food restaurant. Happy Eating!

Misty said...

I agree, I never knew the difference, but I did know how much my friends made in HS that worked there. We just decided in recent years (I don't know if it was a conscious decision, or a we don't have the money thing) that we just don't tip. It's also much easier if you pay with your card, then they don't even ask :). haha.

Anonymous said...

I ALWAYS tip at Sonic. I can't get over the fact that both of my kiddos worked in the food industry when they were young and cash poor. And the Sonic girls periodically come out to your car with trays of condiments and napkins and mouth at you through the car window, "Do you need anything?" I do miss the roller skates though...

Pigs said...

I have the same problem! I don't tip if I use a card, but I round up to nearest dollar if I pay with cash.