Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Okay, okay, OKAAAAAAAY!!!

My blog has been pestering me. Seriously. Totally pestering me.

Blog: So Aims, ya planning on posting anytime soon?
Aims: Yes, I'll get to it. Just not today.
Blog: Uh, Aims, I'm still here. Don't forget about me.
Aims: I know, I know. Hang on a bit longer.
Blog: Helllllllllllllllllllllllllllllooooooooooooo?! I am totally tired of that muffin post. Time for something new. I'm feeling stale over here.
Aims: Okay, why don't YOU come over here and juggle this move and I'll go sit over there and snark at you for awhile.

So I finally caved and here I sit. Now, I will share with you, my faithful readers, something that I am not sharing with my blog. So please keep in quiet okay? The truth is that I have had PLENTY of time to blog. I really have. I have 2 1/2 hours each day where Sarah is napping and Claire is having her quiet time. Perfect blogging opportunity. So why I've managed to go this long without a post is beyond me.

There really has been quite a bit going on. In the past few weeks we have sold a house, packed up a house, boarded a plane and flown all night to end up at an apartment in our new town where we have updated immunizations, started pre-school, started a new job and bought a new house. Just to name a few.

But I must say, even with all of that, things are moving along crazy smoothly. We have found a house and are hoping to close on it at the end of next week. Our stuff has arrived from Alaska. Granted, it is sitting in a storage unit until we can close on our house. But it is here nonetheless. As soon as we close, we are one phone call away from having our belongings delivered. Amazing.

And? Our van arrived today. Whoop! Oh how we've missed that van. Sarah was elated to have the "Purple Car" back. (note to self: must teach Sarah the difference between purple and charcoal grey)

We have been well taken care of in our furnished apartment, but I am super excited to get into our new house. I have definitely developed a love/hate relationship with apartment living.

I love that Michael's office is only 5 minutes away which means he can stay up later at night since he doesn't have to leave as early for work. And as an added bonus, he is home earlier in the evenings.

I hate that we have no yard and I have to walk outside, across a busy street every time my dog needs to go potty. Even if it is 2 AM.

I love that our apartment comes with FREE housekeeping every Friday. There is nothing quite like walking in after a long day and seeing everything all tidy, floors vacuumed, sheets changed, etc.

I hate that we are so far away from friends and church and that I have to drive in morning rush hour traffic to take my girls to preschool. (although I am going AGAINST the flow of major gridlock so that helps a bit)

I love that we are so close to all the downtown shopping, restaurants and parks.

I hate that my "furnished kitchen" is lacking a majority of what I need to cook the meals I need to cook.

I love that Michael's company is covering all our food costs (grocery and/or restaurants) until we get into the new house.

Do you notice how some of these cancel each other out? The truth is, I really don't have ANY room to complain. Nor do I want to. The company has made this move EXTREMELY easy. They go way above and beyond the call of duty to  make the process smooth and painless. And I am grateful.

Now that I have finally started the blog-flow, I'll try to take the next several days to catch up on here. I fear that once we are in the house, I really will have trouble finding time to blog since I fully expect to be painting and unpacking like a mad woman!

Good night my persistent little blog. I hope this fresh new post will help you rest well!


Tammy said...

EEEK! So much has happened! Good to have you back. ;) And wow... that company is impressive. Very nice. Can't wait to hear more!! Love you girl, T

momimi said...

HURRAY!!!! More Things and Stuff!!! I've been faithfully checking for some little funny tid-bit to make me laugh and cheer up my day. As a matter of fact, I put the Blog up to nagging you...so blame me. This was just what I needed after a frustratingly (but thankfully) busy day...THANK YOU Sweetie-Face.