Well I've been absent again. And this time, for good reason. Really, it's true. Hey, don't shake your head at me!! It REALLY is true.
So what is this good reason? Well first, my brother and his family came for a visit. They were here for a full week and believe me when I say that we filled just about every spare minute with activities. We went fishing, clamming and hiking. We cruised to a glacier. We day-camped at a lake. Then we hiked again. We saw quite a few amazing sights and I plan to post pictures in a day or so, but I want to take the remainder of this post to tell you the main reason for my absence.
We're moving. Again. Uh huh. I told you it was a good reason.
We got word earlier this week that Michael is very wanted for a new position back in Houston. Same company, just a new team. Apparently they went back and forth for a few months trying to decide whether or not to offer this job so soon after our move here, but in the end, they decided that no one could fill the position quite like Michael and the job was offered!
If there is anything I've learned about moving with oil companies is that everything must happen NOW. I think we are shooting to be back in the humid, hot south by the first week of September. We have a matter of weeks to get our house on the market, pack up and head back to the lower 48. Now before you pity me too much, the packing and moving part is relatively painless. The company will pay for a company to do all of that for us. So our main "pain" in this process is in the doing without our stuff for 5 weeks or more while it is shipped back to us and while we search for a house.
We are feeling a crazy jumble of emotions over this move. First we are stunned. We've only been here for 10 months. We knew that a move back to Texas was more likely than not, but our timeline had us here for 2 to 3 years.
Of course we are elated to be able to head back "home". Back to a place with friends who are as dear to us as our own family members. A place where we have a church family who constantly challenges us to follow the Lord in the good times and in the bad.We have missed all of that more than words can say.
But with that, I never expected our move back to Texas to be bitter/sweet. But it is. In our short time here, we have been grafted in to this little community so perfectly. I know that the Lord planted us here for sure. He gave us the perfect house in the perfect neighborhood and surrounded us with amazing neighbors who have grown to be dear friends. He lead us to a wonderful church full of believers who are passionate about spreading the gospel to the unchurched. We have been blessed beyond measure to have made so many friends in such a short time. We will definitely miss them all.
I find myself wishing that we could marry the two. You know, bring all of it together into one perfect place. A place where you get to see snow, but it ends soon enough to wear your flip flops in February. A place where the summers are sunny with a high of 65 instead of humid with a heat index of 115. A place where all our friends and family get to be in one place at the same time. A place with a Target and a Chick-fil-A for cryin' out loud! Ahhh wouldn't that be nice?
So it is with very mixed emotions that I say goodbye to one set of good friends while looking forward to reconnecting with another. This has been a 10-month adventure that we will always cherish. We are grateful that the Lord took us on this journey and anxiously watch and wait for whatever journey he has in store next!
3 Coral Gables Guns For Sale
3 years ago