Saturday, July 3, 2010

Couching Around

As often happens around here, I was playing with the girls and ended up inventing my own little game. It was nothing special. Sarah was on the couch and would pop up and look over the back. When she did, I'd yell out, "Peek-a-Boo" with quite a bit of gusto. She really found this amusing and I managed to get some good smiley pics.

Of course, with all the ruckus we were making, big sister had to get in on the action too.

It's wonderful how the simplest of things can impress the daylights out of small children. I better enjoy it now, because there is a time in the not so distant future where everything I do will no doubt be a complete embarrassment to them. 


momimi said...

Embarrassing or not...keep on doing what you do! They'll eventually get back to loving it. (And the rest of us will get a good laugh in the meantime...ha!)

Amanda said...

I cannot believe how big Sarah has gotten over the last few months and how much she looks like Claire. So cute!!!!