Thursday, October 15, 2009


Wow. Seriously? July 21st was the last time I blogged? Good grief. Where have I been? I am guessing (and am probably right) that I have lost all my readers by now. I sure would have trouble sticking with a blog that was NEVER updated. But I am choosing to forge on nonetheless.

It dawned on me a few weeks back that my children don't have baby books. I made a feeble attempt at one when Claire was born, but it is pathetic how much is undone in that thing. Truth? I don't even know where it is now. I didn't even buy one to attempt for poor sweet Sarah. I figured that my blog is about as close to a baby book as my girls were ever going to get. When I am doing a good job of blogging, this is a pretty good record of family memories. I often go into the archives to find out when Claire did certain things--crawling, first word, etc.

I have heard that there is a company "out there" that will take your blog and turn all the entries into a bound book. I hope that is true because it has given me the kick I needed to get back to blogging. Eventually, when I plan to stop the blog, I'll print out a copy for each of my precious girls and one for Michael and I and we'll all have a family memory book.

So what that means for me is I need to revive this blog and start regular updates so that my family has something to read about. I am dedicating myself to three blog entries a week. Did I just type that? I hope I can keep my word. There is a ton going on, but I never stop to write any of it down. While I could easily tell you about it all now, I figure I should just save those little stories for my next post.

So for now, consider Blog CPR complete. (right hand over heart, left hand raised) I promise to do better. Consider us revived and up and running.


Elisabeth said...

Yes....I was getting very tired of checking your blog with no updates!!! I'm glad you're back!!! FYI - A friend of mine posted a blog about blog printing and included this link.:

Elisabeth said...

That's the link....It doesn't look like it posted before...We'll see if it works this time!!!

Pigs said...

There are several companies who will do that. I need to look into it as well. I'll comment to keep you rolling if you'll do the same!

momimi said...

Right hand over heart, left hand raised...I, too, pledge to return to my Blog. Thanks for leading the way!

skier918 said...

Pretty blog, and I like the post!

Unknown said...

Good, now I won't feel like such a loser for checking it every few days!