Monday, March 26, 2007

The Bird in Me

Wow. I have been a posting slacker lately. I find that lately all I want to do is clean my house. Nesting perhaps? The sad thing is that while I WANT to clean my house, I am not actually taking action and cleaning my house.

Don't get me wrong, I am keeping the clutter picked up as much as possible. The deep down scrubbing? Yeah, that has taken a back seat to my laziness and I just sit around thinking about all the grime that must be accumulating on the carpets and in the bathrooms.

I finally told the husband that we are going to adopt-a- room each day this week. Today is bathroom day. That way when we reach the end of the week, we will have a fairly well scrubbed down house and I will once again be able to rest without guilt.

On another fun note, I have finally started to experience the joy that is swelling in the hands and feet. All the pregnancy books said it would happen, but I had convinced myself that I had made it this far (8.25 months) without any problems, so I would probably make it to the end without that fun aspect of pregnancy. WRONG.

The swelling isn't too bad, but it is enough to require me to wear my wedding rings on a chain around my neck. Also, my socks leave a wickedly cool trench around my ankles by the end of the day. (I know how badly you wanted to know that.) It is dead sexy, I tell ya.

Okay, enough rambling. I am off to scrub my room of the day.


Pigs said...

I really thought I had it made after I actually birthed the baby, got all the way home, and then, THEN! my ankles, feet and hands swelled. In case you're wondering, my wedding ring is still stuck on my finger. Heh.

Anonymous said...

that's funny...I didn't swell at all when my wife gave birth to our two children. also, I thought pregnant people were SUPPOSED to take it easy and be lazy...enjoy it while you can...busy times are on the way...

Anonymous said...

Nesting are we? I can sacrifice my house for the good of the pregnant lady. My bathroom is available anytime you feel the need to clean!